Here we are!
All of us have a strong passion for the outdoors and in watching people's delight on the views and experiences we get to show them.
Do you think you would make an awesome hiking leader? Drop us a line on hr@hikingnation.co.uk

Sheila Belo
Hills and Mountain Leader.
She will take you up and down any mountain, but be prepared for some colourful language.
Might burst into song at the most awkward times.

Hills and Moorlands leader.
The loveliest guide who can kick or arse, cuz she is a Muay Tai champion.
She also fights in medieval armour.
Ask her about it in person.

Bags and bags of experience.
DofE leader, lots of stories to tell and the patience of a saint.
Loves a hike that ends at a pub.

Hiking leader in training.
Can eat a whole pack of Oreos while whistling the Eastenders tune.
Will tell you this is not true.

Hills and Moorlands leader and Mountain Leader in training.
Very long legs, excellent to help you down any awkward scrambling.
Will dance for beer.

Rio de Janeiro
Voted best hiking leader in the history of the universe for all eternity.
He also drives the bus on occasions.
Bring him toys and watch them turn into dust in a second.